Sweden Food Arena is a national arena where food industry stakeholders collaborate for an innovative, sustainable, and competitive food sector. The arena is a result of the government’s Food Strategy, which aims to increase production and contribute to a competitive food supply chain, as well as increase employment, exports, innovation power, and profitability while achieving relevant environmental goals.
Together, we create a world-class food supply chain.
Sweden Food Arena is a national arena where food industry stakeholders collaborate for an innovative, sustainable, and competitive food sector. The arena is a result of the government’s Food Strategy, which aims to increase production and contribute to a competitive food supply chain, as well as increase employment, exports, innovation power, and profitability while achieving relevant environmental goals.
Together, we create a world-class food supply chain.
What do we do?
Stakeholders in the food industry collaborate on research and innovation for an innovative, sustainable, competitive, and growing food sector.
Why does Sweden Food Arena exist?
The food sector in Sweden has great potential. Foods make up Sweden’s third largest industry, but we need greater collaboration between sector stakeholders. By establishing an arena where areas like research, development, and innovation are managed and strengthened by the industry, we create conditions for a world-class Swedish food sector.
What do we want?
What will we do?
What do we want?
What will we do?
Board of Directors
Ann-Katrin Tottie, ICA
Björn Hellman, Livsmedelsföretagen
Cecilia Kocken, Arla Sverige
Elin Ingves Pyk, Sevan Hummus Factory
Elisabet Rytter, Livsmedelsföretagen
Henrik Julin, Orkla Food Sverige
Håkan Björklund, Axfood
Karin Brynell, Svensk Dagligvaruhandel
Lars Appelqvist, HK Scan Sverige
Patrik Schinzel, Coop
Per Arfvidsson, Lantmännen. Ordförande
Pernilla Winnhed, LRF
Robin Aksér, Coop
Director of Operations
Marie Gidlund
Innovation leader
Kerstin Eriksson
Coordination and management group
Elisabet Rytter, Livsmedelsföretagen
Håkan Christensson, Lyckeby Culinar
Marie Gidlund, Verksamhetsledare
Per Arfvidsson, Lantmännen, ordförande
Wictoria Bondesson, LRF
Public Affairs Committee
Andreas Strömberg, Svensk Dagligvaruhandel
Lars-Erik Lundkvist, LRF
Rasmus Bäckström, Livsmedelsföretagen
Research and Innovation Committee
Anders Högberg, Orkla
Elisabet Rytter, Livsmedelsföretagen
Jeanette Purhagen, Food Science Sweden
Jennie Cederholm Björklund, Landsbygdsnätverket
Alexandra Jeremiasson, LRF
Magnus Därth, Kött- och Charkföretagen
Annelie Moldin, Lantmännen
Robert Brummer, Örebro universitet
Ulf Sonesson, RISE
Sweden Food Arena’s Research and Innovation Agenda
In order to contribute to the implementation of the government’s food strategy and to achieve our vision, goals, and missions, a joint focus on innovation and research in the food sector based on the needs of the industry is required.
We need new knowledge and expertise that will benefit the businesses as well as increased collaboration between businesses, government agencies, academia, and politics. With our Innovation and Research Agenda, we want to be a source of inspiration for thinking new, thinking big, and thinking together.
Who are we?
Sweden Food Arena currently has more than 30 members from across the food supply chain, from production to retail.
AgroNod Livsmedel
AgroVäst Livsmedel
AgroÖst ideell förening
AirWaterGreen AB
Alex&Phil AB
Aventure AB
Arla Foods
Brännland Cider AB
Eco Grönovation AB
Eurofins Food & Feed Testing Sweden
Fiskeribranchens Riksförbund
Foodchain byBlockchain
Gotland Grönt Centrum AB
GroPro AB
ICA Sverige
Krinova Incubator & Science Park
Kött och Charkföretagen
Lantmännen ek förening
Ljusgårda AB
Lyckeby Culinar
Nifa ek förening
Nordarom AB
Oatly AB
Oddbird International AB
Orkla Confectionary & Snacks
Peter o Bolinder AB
QM technologies AB
Sevan Hummus factory AB
Simsufoods AB
Slow Food Sápmi
Solina Sweden AB
Sproud International AB
Svensk dagligvaruhandel
Svensk Hampaindustri AB
Sveriges Bagare och konditorer
Sveriges Bryggerier
Swedish Match North Europe
The Absolut Company/Pernod Ricard
Tracezilla ApS
Tractechnology AB
Vattenbrukscentrum Norr
Wa3rm AB
Yara AB
Do you want to help develop conditions for the new innovative growth industry of the future? Then you should join Sweden Food Arena. We welcome both businesses and organisations in the Swedish food sector, as well as businesses in other industries that contribute to and help develop the food sector.
Sweden Food Arena and our Board have set ambitious but realistic goals for 2030:
• Sweden is among the top 3 in innovation rankings for the food sector in Europe.
• 50 new Swedish food innovations are generating a total turnover of 1 billion euros.
• The food sector is contributing to creating at least 50,000 new jobs in Sweden.
• The food sector’s export share has increased to 50 percent.
In order to achieve our goals, we need to engage more aspects of society. Innovative collaboration with government agencies as well as with academia and politics is necessary. We need to develop new methods of working. We call for policy labs to review regulatory frameworks, new types of announcements, and much more. Substantial investments in research and innovation in the food sector are required.
To gain sympathy from the relevant stakeholders, we need to be many, and we need to speak with one voice. We therefore hope that as many as possible will join us so that we can work together for sustainable food innovation – for more jobs in Sweden and for pleasure around the world.
As a member, you get:
• To participate in the journey towards an important and distinct goal: a world-class food sector!
• Invitations to work groups to develop our common research agenda.
• The opportunity to expand your network with contacts in politics and academia.
• Influence over how the platform is developed.
• More opportunities for projects in a wider circle.
If you have any questions or want to know more about our membership, please contact our innovation leader, Kerstin Eriksson.